Embark on an unprecedented journey with “Wilder World” – the cutting-edge MMORPG set in a 5D Metaverse, meticulously crafted and powered by Unreal Engine 5. Wilder World stands out as a trailblazer in photorealistic virtual worlds, offering a community-owned, decentralized gaming experience. This Ethereum-based game integrates a liquid NFT market, setting a new benchmark in blockchain gaming. Players delve into play-to-earn dynamics, exploring and shaping a reality beyond the ordinary. With a focus on expansive ecosystem protocols, Wilder World is not just a game; it’s a visionary venture into immersive Metaverse gaming, inviting enthusiasts to craft, explore, and influence a world that transcends traditional gaming boundaries.
Wilder World: A New Dimension of Reality - 5D Metaverse Odyssey, Crafting Realities Beyond Imagination.
DeveloperZERO.TechNetworkEthereumRelease DateTBDPlatformWindowsGenreMMORPG, Metaverse, Social, Exploration, Virtual WorldSocial@WilderWorldSitewilderworld.comShare